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Pier 23 = 100% Best Burger Joint on the Island

I was between clients today, coming from Pigeon Cove and heading to Rocky Neck, and I REALLY needed to something to eat. It was 1:30 p.m. and I hadn't had anything all day. I just needed to fuel up. I thought of stopping at The Studio on Rocky Neck but the last time I had a burger there it was made from a frozen, flat patty. No bueno. At the stop light heading to East Gloucester, I saw Pier 23 and I heard online they had good burgers. So I turned right instead of going straight.

I got an IPA on tap (I *only* drink IPAs) and ordered their Classic Burger because a good burger should stand on it's own. I loved that I got the option, not an up-charge, to have onion rings instead of fries. I devoured it.

When Chef Matt came around and asked me how I liked it, I replied:

"That was a 5 napkin burger"

He nodded and silently understood the complement. He went on to greet other diners and saw that a painting had fallen off the wall. I explained I could fix that, right here right now, and I offered him my business card.

He smiled eagerly and said he would totally follow up.

My $20-lunch with that amazing burger just paid for itself.

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